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New Base for Derby Mountain Rescue Team

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Status: New Project

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Type: emergency_responseDerby, East Midlands, UK

Please help us build our new base

By DerbyMountainRescueTeam

We have been looking for a new base for some time now and have been successful in buying a small piece of land at Mackworth near Derby. It is a small field that will allow us to build our ideal, purpose designed and built new base for our team, our vehicles and all of our equipment.

Our current base is an old garage that we rent from the local water authority. It has always been prone to flooding from the River Derwent but in recent years this has become a more and more frequent occurrence. Every time it floods our vehicles and equipment have to be disinfected and often equipment has to be disposed of. The garage is a very tight fit for all of our equipment and vehicles and there are no training facilities or meeting rooms. These we have to hire out on an ad hoc basis which all adds to our running costs.

We are anxious to get our new base built as soon as possible, especially as we witness the prices of building materials steadily increasing.

Your financial support and/or donation of building supplies would be greatly appreciated. Donations can be made here:

Thank you